Hydrocarbon Treat Cube (HC)

from $79.00

Bio-Driven HC Cube is a solid product blend consisting of naturally occurring, scientifically selected (but not genetically manipulated) microbes formulated to accelerate decomposition and digestion of biomass (sludge) and to consume excess nutrients including nitrates and phosphates in wastewater treatment lagoons and holding tanks.

Areas of use:

Restaurant grease trap treatment or other food processing facilities

Septic tank maintenance

Industrial and municipal waste water treatment , including sewage treatment plant lift stations

Animal and agriculture farm waste treatments

Oil water interceptors and industrial holding tanks

Small Cube, 15-25gal trap, change

Small 15-25 gallon trap 30-45 days

Large 50-250 gallon trap 45-75 days

How to Use: Using a nylon rope, suspend the cube is halfway between the surface of the treatment water and the bottom of the sump. Life cycle will depend upon the water flow rate. Higher flow rates will degrade cubes faster than slower flow rates.

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Bio-Driven Grease Trap (GT) Cube
from $68.65
Bio-Driven Liquid Bacteria Concentrate - Hydrocarbon Treatment
Bio-Driven Liquid Bacteria Concentrate - Waste Treatment